I was looking through this blog and realized having a blog actually has it's own positive side - i could refresh what happened to me before. I haven't blog for a year ( my other blog is not active anymore i think ...the xanga one)
I'm almost at the end of my journey here in Shanghai. Having the best place to work, the best boss, the best colleagues, the best place to live...everything i never imagine could happened but it's time to get back to reality. New things are waiting for me back home.
I will miss walking around at night without worrying about my safety. Will miss having my friends' house all very near by. This is my final stop or should i say my final playground. everything will be much more serious back home.
Anyway here's a piece of Xintiandi's billboard captured in my mobile. looks like a piece of art huh. The family is coming here this saturday. Mom, Bro, Grandma, Tity and Suity. I got 2 days leave + permission to skip the operational review next saturday. I really do have a great understanding boss. Last week i was back from nothing to do atan to busy atan again. My 2nd boss, Veron, suddenly quit. Until today, i still don't understand what is happening but the fact is HR sent out her termination notice to the whole bank. I guess that's it, what were once my job comes back to me again. But now i'm more prepare with almost a year knowledge of what's going on in the department.
Last week i bought another mobile for myself out of impulsiveness...i guess i'm too fed up with sony ericsson. Me and Carlo went to search for his laptop in Xujiahui last sunday. We met up with Teddy since he's our technical guy. Carlo bought ASUS laptop for his wife and we were waiting for his laptop to be upgraded. So i ask Carlo to accompany me to look for a mobile. I ended up with a motorola (everyone is asking me what's the story with the switch from samsung to motorola) persuaded by Carlo and i guess the phone looks nice too so i bought it - just realized that my boss was working with Motorola before Citi. hahaha
I was contemplating to give my new phone to my brother. I thought he still uses the old nokia phone. He didn't want my phone...after i asked what phone he's using now, he's actually using a much better phone than the moto. chehhh!!! yeah that's my brother for you. Ok this posting is really wu liao. let's see how long i can keep posting again. Will try to get my flobber up and running again. Nitez
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