Thursday, July 07, 2005


aku dah di sg!!!! hore hore baru pulang 2 hari langsung london di bom. ancur sekali. sodaraku ampe diem di kantor ampe jam 12 malem. tapi saya sudah di sg!! harusnya pulang tanggal 10 tapi aku majuin sendiri jadi tanggal 5, jadi ga kena masalah deh pulangnya. oh ya pas di airportnya sendiri juga parah. aku dibilang kelebihan 20 kilo gara2 regulationnya dah beda dari US. jadi 2 bag harus total 30 kilo. aku ada 50 kilo dan harus bayar 20 kilo which is 700 pound. nah berapa itu 700 pound?? 1400 USD!!! uang darimana coba. orang uang sisa 100 USD hahaha. ya wes aku doa2 pokoknya aku pengen pulanggggg tanpa bayar apapun. eh pas ke customer repnya ngomong. orangnya bilang ya dah dikasih lewat kali ini. laen kali harus tau regulationnya. hooooraayyyyyy keren yo!

oh ya hari itu aku mau nulis blog soal hillsong. wuih itu gedungnya kan di theater. dia orang tuh monday to saturday it's a theater. kaya musical gitu. lagi maen We will rock younya Queens sekarang. tapi pas sunday itu tempat jadi gereja all day long. jam 11.30, jam 2 ama jam 6. nonstop. since dia kan theater, ya u know lah how good the sound system is. mengerikan man itu 1 theater di open door. lagunya dummmm dammm dummm ampe orang2 yang baru keluar dari tube (kereta bawah tanah)nya langsung nengok. very attracting attention sih lagunya. abis dipasang lagu christian rock gitu. pas PW lagunya ga tau semua tapi presence of Godnya woww!
John Bevere ngomongnya juga menarik sekali. sorry kalo sermonnya panjang sekali hahaha. mungkin rada ga connect2 dikit2 kalo kalian baca. tapi ya too bad lah yah. dia ngomongnya cepet sekali. pengen beli devotional dia. tapi ga beli karena kirain mo nitip kofu aja. rupanya cuma beda 1 dolar. gpp lah kofu rupanya bilang males bawa juga. ya wes ntar gimana lah pasti dapet (amin)!

oh ada yang lucu. kan 1 hari setelahnya aku nulis blog sermonnya john bevere. troz aku buka untuk reference semua wordsnya. terus rupanya yang aku tulis ama yang harusnya tuh semua kaya beda either 1 pasal ato 10 pasal. jadi kaya aku tulis 149 tapi harusnya 139. harusnya 36 aku tulisnya 35. jadi aku harus baca2 pasal kan. nahhh yang aku tulis ituu (yang salah2 itu) tuh rupanya things yang klop ama barang2 yang aku lagi cari ato tanya. lucu yah. dikasih jawabannya gara2 salah denger sermon. tapi aku lumayan yakin bener lho dengernya. gpp lah seterahhh Tuhannnn mauMuu. pokoknya saya dapet jawabankoe!

pas 2 hari sebelon aku pulang dari UK, sodaraku tiba2 nanya semaleman ttg kristen. nanya perbedaan perbedaan ama agama2 laen. rupanya dia find kalo katolik tuh mengerikan. aneh yah aku lumayan kaget pas dia ngomong. abis mungkin buat aku dulu katolik tuh enak abis lenient haha. anyway dia tanya ttg jewish etc etc gara2 dia banyak tau ttg jewish tradition dari temen dia yang Jew. aku ga ngapa2in sih cuma kasih tau apa yang dia pengen tau aja. dia lumayan kaya state aku pas dulu lah. merasa budha paling enak abis paling netral ama peaceful aja keliatannya. mulai sekarang harus banyak2 hafal ayat. daridulu ga pernah afal. sedih banget. memory abis dimana ga tau. evaporates memoryku semua.

oh ya hari pertama aku nyampe di sg, sodaraku yang cowo yang jemput. ini adeknya sodara di london. yang cicinya marah2 gara2 adeknya ga pernah mau jemput dia tapi napa aku dijemput hahaha. saya cousin kesayangan dong *blush* hahaha. abis itu aku diajak makan pagi, cari kacamata baru, makan siang sushi berjalan di sushi tei, jalan2 nyari hadiah buat cewe yang kasih dia cuff link. sarap yo! jalan keliling singapore. puanasnyaaaaa 29 derajat. rasanya mau evaporate. abis itu dia ke embassy US gara2 visa F1 dia ditulis Female huahauhauhaa.dableQ ga dicek gitu. abis itu makan malem soba ama berbagai macem jamur diatasnya. NYUM!! sobanya di homemade. jadi ada tempat gelas bisa liat cooknya lagi buat sobanya. lagi nonton initial D. film baru starring jay chou, edison, shawn yu. lucuuuu bagusss aku suka! album baru jay september baru keluar. kayanya bakal lagi deh di china. moh barang palsu yo!

hari ini mau keluar ama temenku. oh ya si reyner lagi stomach flu haha. kasiannn mana rumahnya jaoh sekali laghe. susah kesono. itu temenku lucu. suaranya berubah total jadi makin ngebas dari dulu. aku ampe nanyain identity dia lama sekali ampe bt dia. too bad lah sapa suruh berubah! ya wes update dari singapore

btw ada yang ngerti cara set up email content dari rumah untuk disend directly ke office fax ato msg di komputer office. pusing ga sih. pokoknya 2 tempat yang jauh dan device yang berbeda. cara connectnya gimana?

Monday, July 04, 2005

Fear of God

by: John Bevere

We are living in the last days and the last days are like Noah. What did Noah has that help him through the turmoil he faced? Intimacy with God

James 4:8 Come near to God and he will come near to you.
Who draw near first? Us! We initiate! We are the one who determine the level of our relationship with God. NOT GOD! we often thought that people like billy graham were borned with cross on their head. They were borned closed to God. No, they are just like everyone else, but the difference lies in their willingness to accept God's invitation to draw near. A lot of people who are passionate about God is not people who stand on the pulpit, they are ordinary people who accepted God's invitation to draw near.

Psalm 139:18 Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with you.

When you love someone, you automatically think about them right? God's thoughts about us outnumber the grains of sand in the world. Imagine how many thoughts He has on each one of us. How he yearns for us and how he yearns for our fellowship with Him.

God says for us to pray without ceasing. What is praying? Praying is a two ways dialogue. If God tell us to pray without ceasing, God is willing to communicate with us without ceasing. How good is that? to be able to communicate with God every second everyday for the rest of your life.

The reason why people lack intimacy with God is because they don't have the foundation. What is the foundation? FEAR OF GOD.

Psalm 89:7 In the council of the holy ones God is greatly feared; he is more awesome than all who surround him.

When John Bevere went to Brazil for their National Conference back in 1996, the choir, praise and worship is incredible, but there's not even an ounce of God's presence in the room. why was that? he looked around andsaw people chattering among themselves, people looked around to their surrounding and didn't pay the attention to God. he was so upset that when it was his time to go up the stage, he stood silent for 45 minutes and and finally caught the attention of the audiences. He only asked two questions: if you want to talk with someone but the someone is talking with another person, will you talk to them? No. if you come knocking at someone's door and the reaction when they open the door is "oh, you again" will you come back? No. He told the room to repent and when they repent, God's presence come 3 times. The third time, the presence was so strong that the sound was as if a jet flew above the room. John said that it's not the daddy who visit, but the King who visit. The audience collapsed, weep and shouting. After that he went out of the stage and police that stood surrounding the stadium asked him in confusion what wind that comes from inside because they saw fire from the ventilation around the room.

2 presence of God: Omnipresence - I'll never leave you ...
John 14 Manifest presence - bring the unseen to the seen - Presence in the room

God won't come into a place where He's not held in utmost respect. The only way to get to God's presence is fear of God

God already teaches us about fear of God -> Matthew 6:9 "This, then, is how you should pray: " 'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, ...

What's the Fear of God? Fear is not afraid. How can you be close when you are afraid of Him. Scared of God = you got something to hide, so the darkness in you is not exposed
Fear of God = scared to be away from God.

Fear of God :
Exodus 20:20 Moses said to the people, "Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning."

It takes the love of God and the fear of God to keep us from sin.

Legalism Excess Disobedience

Love of God Fear of God

Fear of God : Reference Him, Love Him above everything else, Love what He loves, Hate what He hates.

Tremble in His word: to obey Him when it hurts, Obey when you don't see the benefit, Obey to completion, Obey when it doesn't make sense.

Psalm 25: 14 The LORD confides in those who fear him;he makes his covenant known to them.
Secrets of the Lord is with people who fear the Lord. All of us have secrets and only share it with close intimate friend. God is not everybody's friend. In the bible there's only 2 people who enjoy the intimacy of God. One of them is Abraham who obey God even when He was told to sacrifice his own son. Abraham obey and did the command on the next morning.

The dynamic of God and Abraham: God asked Abraham about demolishing Sodom and Gommorah. God valued Abraham's opinion and God's willing to do it after He listened to Abraham's suggestion. Abraham negotiated with God because there's his nephew Lot there. Remember that according to 2 Peter, Lot is a righteous person but he's as clueless as everyone else in Sodom and Gommorah that the city would be demolished. why? because though Lot is righteous, Lot does not fear God. Lot was saved by Abraham's prayer and God sent 2 angels to tell Lot.

You can be righteous, you can be holy, you can love God all your life but has no fear of God.

John 15:14 You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.

God will see you as servant until there's Fear of God in you and He will see you as friend. Why?
To protect you because we might get hurt because of the close relationship that we are not ready yet.

"you are My friend if you do whatever I command of you" God design everyone to be his close intimate friend but it is us who determine the level of relationship we want to have with Him.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Buckingham, Westminster, Chinatown, Covent etc

hari ini cape banget keliling banyak tempat. pagi2 si arno telpon bilang dalem 1/2 jam dia bakal nyampe london dungeoun. jadi i jumped out of the bed siap siap2 troz jalan catch the bus to london bridge station. kita ke borough market diseberang station. lucu2 barang2 disono. makanan semua sih unique sekali. ada berbagai macam keju yang segede2 babon. troz ada 1 yang ITEM IJO gitu aiyo kaya dah busuk. si arno bilang harusnya itu yang paling enak hahaha. troz jual pastries gitu, semuanya disusun lucu2 tapi banyak lalat e! darisono pergi ke chinatown makan. aku makan saba curry. sarap itu sizenya GUEDE pisan!

abis itu pergi ke wesminster abbey, buckingham palace. lucu kan mau liat serdadu yang bilang ga gerak itu kan. kita pas kesono aku liat...lho itu serdadu yang kiri kok kakinya gerak2 kaya flex flex lutut gitu. trus kita meleng serdadunya jalan bolak balik 5 feet gitu. bolak balik. abis itu diem lagi. tapi yang serdadu kiri ini tetep aja gerak mulu. kocak. bener2 ga kaya reputasinya. yang kanan diem pol though. so aku bilang ke adit..itu yang kiri kayanya trainee sih hahaha. basically hari ini banyak jalan2nya oh ya si arno bawa kita ke life guardnya queen. dia orang tuh highest regimentnya. KEREN! dia orang ga boleh gerak juga tapi duduk diatas kuda. jadi orang mau foto juga dia orang ga boleh gerak hahaha. boot dia orang keren sekali ampe paha gitu truz mengkilap lagi. tiba2 pas disono kepikiran...kaloooo anak2 bcbc dibawa kesono semua.. i doubt tuh kuda ama tuh guard bakal diem sih. hahahhaa bayangin lah sendiri. udah dempet2 dorong2 bisa2 ditendang kudanya.

ya hari ini jalannya banyak aja sih. oh ya pertama kali make lomonya. lom tau deh jadi apa itu hasilnya. mengerikan juga sih hahaha. but excited untuk liat. hari ini gerimis2 terus though. oh tadi ke st james park. banyak bebek, anak bebek, troz ada bintang ga tau apaan. kaya bebek tapi kaya kena sapu putih dari tengah kepala ampe mulut. tapi jenis unggas juga. temennya bebek kali. terus ada lagi bebek tapi ga gitu panjang lehernya. nah sekarang pertanyaannya...BEBEK TUH YANG MANA???? yang ga ada leher lengkung2 dan mulutnya ga terlalu panjang? ato bisa lengkung2 dan lehernya panjang lengkung2? abis liat segitu banyak, mulai mikir i dont even know which one is bebek. ada pelican juga disono.

hari ini binge eating. makan gila2an ampe sodaraku bilang abis aku pulang dia harus detox haha gara2 selama aku disini dia makannya kaya there's no tomorrow. oh ya len, kayanya aku lom cerita kalo hari2 terakhir aku di bloomie, ada 1 hari pergi ke steak and shake bareng roommate barunya si andri, troz dia liat porsi makan aku dia bilang...kamu makan kaya there's no tomorrow. hahaha dalem dalem. le, makanya le turunin porsi makanmu. ntar kena juga lho disono :P hahahhaa apa coba. andri kamu yakin ga mau buat blog tah?

hari ini lumayan sedih juga sih mikir ga bakal ketemu arno lagi. baru sadar lho aku banyak temen yang ga terlalu deket tapi kalo ga ketemu dia orang kayanya ada something missing. ada yang orang keliatannya deket, tapi aku ga ngerasa deket. ada yang keliatannya ga deket tapi sebenernya deket. ada temen yang biasa2 aja. bbrp minggu lalu aku nyoba analyze berbagai orang punya posisi didalem hidupku. temen macem apa? temen tuh banyak macem lho. but it's hard for me to put into words, but u always know that each friend is different though you're not really close to them. ada temen untuk makan, temen untuk curhat, temen yang you feel comfortable even diem juga serasa enak, temen yang suka curhat ke kita, temen yang out of the blue bisa telpon ato ajak makan, temen yang kita ga deket tapi kalo ampe kita mumet pasti ada disamping kita, temen yang kalo mau diajak kerjain project2 gila pasti mau. masih banyak macem temen lainnya. lucu yah posisi tiap temen di hidup kita.

in the other hand, role kita disetiap hidup temen2 kita juga beda. so? kita tuh sapa dihidup temen2 kita? tempat curhat? tempat nasehat? ada tempat apa lagi yah? ya someone who's there when our friends need us. oh well tiba2 kepikiran aja. ok people besok ke kew garden. oh ya dri, kalo sempet tolong buangin buku2 disamping pintu 992 yah. setumpuk itu harusnya aku buang tapi ga sempet hihihi. thank you dri!!!! kalo ga sempet gpp lah. ntar minta tolong wchang. ini blog beneran makin jadi tempat komunikasi kita bertiga doang. have fun camping len, foto2 yah inget! dri aku lupa cara upload foto kaya helen e. diajarin helen tapi lupa hahaha