Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Jalan2 santai and Lomography

ada poster dijalanan isinya: Borrow money from the pessimists, they don't expect you to return it anyway.
2 hari lalu pergi ke covent garden, eh ngeliat ada pertunjukan yang sama kaya pas ke rose parade di portland. orangnya perform as if dia rada2 ga gitu pasti cara trick2 yang dia mau kerjain jadi buat penonton rada takut. di covent garden ada 1 gerobak jual sabun handmade, they have soap dari rose ama lavender yang really striking. they put actually kuncup kuncup rose diatas sabunnya troz taro di 1 box. people can mistake them as chocolate. they smell so nice too. kalo pun dibeli i wonder cara pakenya gimana hmm...kata sodara sih bisa ditebarin kuncup2nya ke bath tub...but then jadi sekali pake doang dong bagusnya :) sebelon ke covent garden we went to sacchi gallery. disono rupanya lagi ada documentary bout rape of nanjing. i know how bad it is in china but i never know that the incident actually was more spread out than nanjing alone. rupanya orang2 korea and i think akhirnya semua tempat yang di jajah jepang tuh kena dampaknya. approximately ada 200,000 women that was forced to become "comfort woman" kasian sekali. ada 2 orang tentara jepang yang berani ngomong di documentary about how bad it is, even they say that no doubt there are a lot of chinese that has mixed blood with japanese coz of that incident. until now the japanese still don't want to publicly acknowledge that the incident is actually taken place. they did actually put it in the history book but only a little tiny portion of it. sedih yah. kata org jepangnya tuh governmentnya takut kalo dia orang acknowledge, bakal banyak yang sue lah troz demo lah etc etc jadi dia orang takut harus keluar uang tapi sebenernya orang2 yang terlibat cuma pengen governmentnya acknowledge and nothing more. so sad yo. anyway abis itu pergi ke sacchi gallery, ada yang keren tapi ada yang disturbing ampe aku nyaris muntah. artistnya kaya menghina cruxifiction, jadi dia buat kaya act, painting and other stuff jadi satu. di documentarynya ada orang tidur gitu ala salib troz ditaro binatang diatas dan binatangnya dibelek dan banyak tangan2 gitu kobok2 dalemnya. pas difoto jadi keliatannya orangnya punya badan dibuka dikobok2. gilani yo! abis itu tangan2 itu gambar di canvas. the whole canvas is pure animal blood. ugh jijik banget. abis itu diajak jalan2 ke chinatown. oh ya rupanya anti-racist band yang pastur mau dah ga dijual lagi tapi malah dapet di chinatown. mungkin bukan asli tapi mungkin juga asli tapi rejectionnya nike. tapi ya gpp lah at least dapet. aku beli 8 biji ampe orangnya kasih 1 nike baller glow in the dark hahaha lucu. i like it though. oh ya did i tell you i went to muji beli stationary!! seneng! pencil mujiku diilangin ama kofu dulu, not that itu enak dipake sih, cuma putihnya bagus aja.

disini tuh semua barang porsinya kecil2. hari pertama aku nyampe sini liatin botolan susu ama carton susunya ampe shock...apa ini kecil sekali well actually botol ama cartonnya US yang kegedean hahaha dah kebiasaan 1 litre ato 1 gallon...ini tiba2 back to size indo yang imut2 dan slim sekali. ampe bengong. troz beli makanan apa aja lah ..porsinya imoet sekali. and i wonder apa aku yang terlalu lama di us ga balik indo hahaha. oh ya disamping rumah ada design museum, barangnya bagus2 banget, modern sekali troz paling atas ada 1 ttg dia orang design prison model baru biar rate criminalsnya ga jadi criminal lagi bertambah. keren gitu rumah prisonnya. jadi 1 rumah ada 36 orang troz masing2 dapet cell (room sendiri) rada modern gitu lagi designnya. troz tiap kamar ada secure internet connection jadi dia orang belajar disono. keren yah hahaha. i wonder org yang dapet disono bisa beg ga mau dikeluarin kali. dikasih makan, internet gratis, air, listrik ga bayar, dikasih belajar summore. hahaha troz dia orang ada kaya 6 computer ama beda2 design kursi dan kita bisa duduk sono maen mario bros, street fighter hahaha. yum! oh ya sodaraku tak kasih liat mariobros acapella, senengnya bukan maen ampe ulang2 mulu. nyanyi2 di jalan ke tempat kerja. anyway pas selesai dari design museum aku beli 2 vas bunga dari plastik, bentuknya inflatable kalo masukin air, jadi bawahnya langsung bisa berdiri kaya bawahnya caprisone. tapi atasnya mengecil bentuk vas bunga. susah bayangin yah? troz ngincer 1 kamera yang unik dah pengen tak beli pas di US tapi ga kesampean. jadi setelah mikir 1 malem, akhirnya hari ini saya beliiiii!!! senengnyaaa coba di google kalo mau, namanya lomo camera. technique ngambil foto ini namanya lomography. besok ato weekend mau coba2. senengnya dapet barang yang i actually like!! jadi harus irit deh ampe weekend.
kameranya ga ada viewfinder jadi asal click aja ntar liat hasilnya kaya apa. motto kamera ini "DONT THINK" and "Forget rules" jadi creative sekali. i like it. troz beli buku "Christians and the fall of rome" ttg napa kristen tuh bisa tetep persevere biarpun dah luama banget. ini synopsisnya "the primitive christians perpetually trod on mystic ground, and their minds were exercised by the habits of believing the most extraordinary events". besok tak ceritain ttg bukunya deh. rada penasaran nulis apaan. abis ini buku terbitan penguin jadi bukan buku kristen orang belinya di design museum hahaha.

oh ya tadi arno telpon dah i just found out that adit juga disini!!! hahha jadi hari jumat si arno bakal bela2in temenin gua keliling buckingham palace westminster abbey etc etc biarpun dia berdua dah pernah bbrp kali keliling2. aku bilang dah pernah pergi dulu tapi dia bilang udah beda udah beda, di rebuilt pas sebelon aku mo dateng hahaha. kocak tuh anak. gonna miss not seeing him again. haih hari ini rada sedih tiba2 kepikiran bloomie jadi nulis email ke wchang deh. kangen ama keluargaku di 992 hix!

besok ga tau mau ngapain, mungkin ngerajut kali abis dah lama ga ngerajut ga bakal selesai2 ini kalo ngga. hmmm oh ya udah selesai film korea wonderful life, rada2 ngerti bahasa mandarin liao hahaha tak kirain ga bakal ada part yang sedih rupanya ada aja coba. nyebelin yo! wokie dokie, less than 1 week to go here. i'm ready to go home liao. ini jam 1 pagi ada orang tereak2 marah2 tapi jauh sekali kedengerannya tapi tetep aja gede suaranya. mengerikan. at least ga PRANGGGGGG hahahhaa. ufo melayang.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Mendoeng Mendoeng

Ini lagi nungguin sodara mandi dan berdandan ria jadi bisa isi blog bentar.
kemaren cape banget jalan2 ampe jam 10.30 malem yo! rasanya dah bisa jalan sambil merem. kemaren pagi diajak ama sodara jalan dari rumah nyebrangin tower of london ampe tempat kerja dia..lumayan jaoh tapi dia bilang deket (measurementnya jauhnya beda) troz after lewatin jembatan tower of london tuh ada castle, baru tau kalo itu tower of london castlenya. ada istrinya henry the 6th di execute disono troz katanya sering ngeliat anne jalan2 sambil bawa palanya di tangan hahaha. abis ngeliat kantor dia kita naek tube ke nottinghill gate. aiyoooo mirip pasar di indo orangnya. BUANYAKKKKKKKKKKKKK banget! disono jualan antiques2 ada kamera dari jaman 1920an ada shakespeare play di buku 2x3 cm. lucu2. tapi ga beli apa2 sih cuma postcard 3. abis itu kita pergi shopping gara2 sodara lagi pengen shopping. kita ke oxford circus, dia tuh bunderan gitu nyatuin 3 very beautiful street and tua2. sayang gak tak foto. terlalu banyak orang dan jalannya cepet gitu orang2nya pada. jadi ngeri untuk berdiri dan foto. street2nya tuh bond street, regend street and oxford street. buauauauagus! harus pergi kalo ada kesempatan. ada yang unik disono. jadi kan banyak orang gitu kan di jalanannya rupanya ada 1 gang bisa masuk troz dalemnya banyak sekali cafe yang bagus bagus kayanya i didn't take the picture there. tapi ada picture di gangnya. (mudah2an) lupa liao ambil foto apa aja. dari sono kita ke toko buku yang gedenya 7 lantai hahaha tapi ga sehomey barnes. i bought a book about stradivarius! keren yo!! abis itu ngapain yah. oh pergi makan lobster noodle. uenak banget tapi saya sudah terlalu cape untuk bener2 appreciate hahaha. abis itu naek tube 30 menit nyampe rumah. selama tubenya ngomongin ttg singlish ama orang2 singapore temen2nya sodaraku. lucu banget so i didn't fall asleep. someday i'm going to take pic of tower of london at night sih bagus banget. anyway, today going to sacchi gallery!!! hore horeee oh ya harus ke design museum disamping rumah nih. bagus2 juga barang2nya. hari ini ke sacchi, ke covent garden, ke chinatown. chinatown sini katanya very famous, so yet to be seen lah ya hahaha. oh ya sini lagi summer sale gila2an bisa up to 75%. tapi ya tetep aja harganya nyammmm! ga kepegang yo! ok lanjut kapan2. cheers len + dri! dua orang pembaca setiaku hahaha

Thursday, June 23, 2005

London Bridge is Falling Down

udah hari ke3 di london tapi ini hari pertamanya i actually go around walking walking. nih cerita dikit deh. ada kejadian sarap. Hari pertama gua nyampe sini kan harusnya ambil black cab nah pas menuju antrian black cab, ada 1 orang item pake suit, dia bilang "taxi" ya aku bilang yes lah. RUPANYA dia bukan black cab. tak kirain orang yang urusin black cab gitu. eh aku diajak turun ampe ke garage. aku dah lumayan panik tapi tetep aja naek ke mobilnya. Sepanjang perjalanan jadi bahasa dewanya keluar lah sangking takutnya di kidnap. aku dah tau salah langkah banget tapi tetep minta tuhan jaga lah. ngeri yo udah ga tau jalan sama sekali mana dia anterinnya luaaaaaaaaaaaaamaaaaaa banget! rupanya rumah sodara gua emang jaoh dari airport (lebih tepatnya airportnya yang jaoh dari central London) aku di taxinya dah doa udah lah gpp mau berapa uang 100 pound ya wes lah asal aku selamat ampe tempat sodaraku. sodaraku bilangnya estimation keluar uang 60 bucks. i thought abis 100 ya udah lah salahku sendiri. rupanya pas nyampe rumah sodaraku, orangnya bilang 58 pound doang. wahhhh DAN SAYA SELAMATTTT sampai ditujuan sodara sodaraaaa!!! ya anyway belajar something lagi lah di perjalanan ini. kalo dah tau tujuan kamu kemana ya jangan lirik kanan kiri akibatnya puarah man!

anyway troz day two ga kemana2 cuma dirumah doang gara2 diare seharian. biasa lah syndrome pindah negara hahahha ato gara2 makan makanan chinese take away sehari sebelonnya. pergi beli adapter buat colokan2 electronics. tapi pulang rumah ga bisa dipake jadi mencoba nyari voltage converter

hari ini jam 10 pagi bawa kamera, bawa botol target merah isi air penuh. troz jalan2 sendiri dengan modal direction sodara "just follow the thames" so ya wes gua jalan disebelah Thames river. rumah sodaraku cuma 3 menit dari tower bridge. daerah dia lumayan highclass kayanya. 1 menit dari apartmentnya banyak resto2 kecil2 unique2. aku jalan2 ngeliat shakespeare globe, ada HMS Belfast warship jadi keinget pas ke portland ada kapal perang US tapi lupa bawa kamera haha. tros pergi ke Tate modern (something like museum of modern art). banyak sekaliiii art2nya. keren2 summore. lagi ada exhibitionnya "frida". arno telpon dia bilang deket Tate ada dixon kali jual converter, so i walk again by the Thames ampe London Eye seberangnya Westminster Abbey and Bigben. rupanya dixonnya KECIL SEKALIIII didalem underground tubestationnya. troz dia orang rupanya cuma jual adapter which i already have at home. so since udah 6 jam jalan kaki dan rada blister gara2 bukan sendal sendiri, i take tube home. sukur ga kesasar sama sekali pulang rumah. nyampe rumah online ketemu diman troz diman bilang harusnya adapter bisa automatically change voltage, tak coba 2 kali RUPANYAAA kemaren harusnya bisa cuma ga colok ampe pol hahahaha sarap! gara2 gitu jalan ampe 6 jam. tapi i saw a lot of things i might not see if i didn't go out (most probably stay dirumah kalo bukan gara2 converter ama Tate modern)

besok lom tau mau ngapain. masih ga gitu ngerti cara pake Tubenya. rada2 berantakan. ok update ttg londonku segini. i'll update my activities later onnnn. hope you guys have a great day there. miss US yo! everything in US is just a click a way beli apa2 tinggal clik clik clik then they send it to your doorstep. disini...digoogle buat cari storenya aja susah banget. aiyooo! oh another thing! 1US$ = 49 CENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! huahauhauhauhauha

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Pushing on vs Letting go

by: Ptld

A short discussion that stuck in my head:

You received an opportunity to serve
to minister in the House of Lord
you try to take the load
try and try harder
but you find that you don't belong in the ministry
you questioned about your own ability
will you give it up?
will you pursue it?
some said that we are just a servant
who are we to refuse the responsibility given unto us
some said "try it first and it's really beyond your ability...let it go"
what will you do?

If you think about the idea that who are we to refuse the responsibility given unto us, yes you might still carry out your ministry but will the motivation change? will you carry out your ministry out of obligation or out of love?

If you think about the idea that we should at least try and if we don't like it, we can let go, when and where is the border line? we might give up too early or too late but who will be the judge? we are. As a human being, we have the affinity to give up and say "at least i tried the best i could" but is it really the best? or did you falsely convince yourself that you've given the best to finally able to escape the responsibility? who knows?

what can we do when we faced this dilemma? it's back to the simple question "who are we?"
i posted a song called "who am i" a few months back. i was reminded that though we are the servant of God, we are also His children. we all know that a father will never give things that will harm his children. Our Father in heaven is father above all father who knows and designs our lives and future. We all know this fact deep in our heart but why we still doubt his plan?

As His servant we should be faithful in the responsibilities that He has entrusted to us. Though we maybe tired and wary of the heavy load, remember that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Try to change our perspectives in our responsibilities so that our motivation in carrying out our ministry is not because of obligation but out of love for our master.

as His children we should trust his plan and no matter how hard it is, He knows our abilities better than us. He won't give us tasks that are beyond our abilities. Trust him. The hidden purpose is for Him to know and you to find out :) Here's a song for this blog. Sorry it's in Indonesian. Anyone who wants the english translation can msg me

Pelangi Kasih

Apa yang kau alami kini
Mungkin tak dapat engkau mengerti
Satu hal tanamkan dihati
Indah semua yang Tuhan bri

Tuhanmu tak akan memberi
Ular beracun pada yang minta roti
cobaan yang kau alami
tak melebihi kekuatanmu

Tangan Tuhan sedang merenda
Suatu karya yang agung mulia
Saatnya kan tiba nanti
Kau lihat pelangi kasihNya

For people involved, sorry for not telling you all that i'm going to put the discussion in the blog. I'm sorry if i've offended anyone too. Thank you that i learnt something from it :)

Monday, June 06, 2005

Pathways to Peace

taken from: http://www.pathways-to-peace.com/

Pathways to peace
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God." - Matthew 5:9

"Integrity is one of several paths. It distinguishes itself from the others because it is the right path and the only one upon which you will never get lost." - M.H. McKee

"If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if the simple things of nature have a message that you understand, rejoice, for your soul is alive." - Eleonora Duse

"Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see." - Mark Twain

"Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light." - Helen Keller

"This is courage… to bear unflinchingly what heaven sends." - Euripedes

"Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark." - George Iles

"We must not only give what we have; we must also give what we are." - Desire-Joseph Mercier

"I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love." - Mother Teresa

"Never think that God's delays are God's denials. Hold on, Hold fast, Hold out. Patience is genius." - Comte Georges Louis Leclerc de Buffon

"The great thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in what direction we are moving." - Oliver Wendell Holmes

"A single grateful thought raised to heaven is the most perfect prayer." - Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

"Pride is concerned with who is right. Humility is concerned with what is right." - Ezra Taft Benson

"Forgiveness is the answer to the child's dream of a miracle by which what is broken is made whole again, what is soiled is again made clean." - Dag Hammarskjold

"We must come to see that peace is not merely a distant goal we seek, but it is a means by which we arrive at that goal. We must pursue peaceful ends through peaceful means." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Interview with God

taken from: www.theinterviewwithgod.com

I dreamed I had an interview with God.
“So you would like to interview me?” God asked.
“If you have the time” I said.
God smiled. “My time is eternity.”“What questions do you have in mind for me?”
“What surprises you most about humankind?”
God answered...“That they get bored with childhood,they rush to grow up, and then long to be children again.”
“That they lose their health to make money...and then lose their money to restore their health.”
“That by thinking anxiously about the future, they forget the present, such that they live in neither the present nor the future.”
"That they live as if they will never die, and die as though they had never lived.”
God’s hand took mine and we were silent for a while.

And then I asked...“As a parent, what are some of life’s lessons you want your children to learn?”
“To learn they cannot make anyone love them. All they can do is let themselves be loved.”
“To learn that it is not good to compare themselves to others.”
“To learn to forgive by practicing forgiveness.”
“To learn that it only takes a few seconds to open profound wounds in those they love, and it can take many years to heal them.”
“To learn that a rich person is not one who has the most,but is one who needs the least.”
“To learn that there are people who love them dearly, but simply have not yet learned how to express or show their feelings.”
“To learn that two people can look at the same thing and see it differently.”
“To learn that it is not enough that they forgive one another, but they must also forgive themselves.”

"Thank you for your time," I said humbly. "Is there anything else you would like your children to know?"
God smiled and said, “Just know that I am here... always.”