Sunday, March 13, 2005

Disecting the Eagle

Speaker: Ps Chris Mesach

Isaiah 40:30-31

Although everything does not appear like it is bearing any fruits, remember that the most important thing is the process. God will do everything in His own time.

Eagle is mention in the Bible 38 times. It indicates that something unique and special about this bird that we need to learn from. We can take the positive points of Eagle to apply in our live

Height: 1 meter
Width with both wings spread: 4 meter
Weight of nest: 700 kg
Favorite food: fish

1. Beek-> design untuk devour food. Shaped like hook efficient to tear up prey.

Life application: Beek represent our mouth and our words. (Revelation 12:11)
There are two power in believer: Potential power in our words and our action. mulut itu penting buat kita. Coba untuk puasa bicara. It's much more harder than to fast from eating. Untuk mengalahkan Iblis kita bersaksi memakai mulut dan perkataan kita. We are blessed cause of the testimony and words but we also suffer because of words.

Example: a minister has 3 children. the first 2 are handsome and beautiful but the third one happens to be mentally challenge. Everyday the minister faithfully speak positive words that this child will be normal. In the end the child grew up normally. Our words have impact

Male speaks 20 thousand words per day
Female speaks 50 thousand words per day
How many of these 50 thousand words we spent everyday to bless others?

When we talk, we impart all our lives through our ability to speak
Punches can hurt you for a week but Words can hurt you for a decade.

Pay attention to your words.

2. Eyesight/ Hearing

You know why eyes are the most important part in the body ? It's proven by how eagle's eyes work. Eagle actually cleans tis eyes every 3-4 seconds by wiping them since they have two eyelits.

Secondly, Eagles' eyes are very sharp and they are about 14 times as sharp as average people's. They can see the target (fish usually) from 1000 feet above the surface of the ocean or around 2 miles in length.

Life Application:
I Samuel 3:1-3
We are unable to see what's gonna be in front of us. Our spiritual eyes are dead

I Samuel 4:18
When you read the story of Samuel, he was actually the assistant of the pastor at that time. There was a holy place in the church (tabut indo nya), he slept in that place where not even the highest priest could not do that. Another rule was that the high priest was only allowed to get in twice a year. Also, there was a candle inside that the priests had to make sure that the candles were on. Eli was the high priest at that time and he was old already and he got really fat as time went by. Eli's eyes and ears were dead, but not literally dead. His spiritual life with God was actually didn't go well. Eli's eyes of hearts were having so high cholesterol level spiritually. If you imagine what cholesterol is, you may think of junks and diseases it causes.

In a nutshell, sharp eyes are for looking at the visions and we have to keep our eyes clean both physically and spiritually because eyes are responding to all events happening. So, we have to keep our christian life well by staying out of the influences created people around us.

3. Claws

One of the most important tool for hunting. Has a nail that looks like hook
Life Application: there's power in action. Action speaks louder than words.
remember that 1% vision and 99% hard work.

We have to learn from abraham.God gave him a lot of promises but what did he do to fulfill all God's promises? He step out, walk out from the place he grew up.

Action = hardwork and real effort to accomplish a vision. Why God's promise to us never happens? because we don't have enough courage to step out from our comfort zone
When you have the courage to step out from your weakness, you will fulfill all God's promise in your life.

4. LifeStyle

Fact: Eagle migrate seasonally usually in Fall
They acceleration is 50km/hour

Life Application: There's no "comfort zone" for God's children
Comfort = biggest killer in Christianity
Camping principle: Dynamic and active.

Example: the journey of the Israelites in the desert. When the pillar of fire moves, they have to move. sometimes they are tired sometimes they had just arrived and just build their camps, but if the pillar moved, they have to hastily pack up their stuff and move with the pillar.

Ps Jonathan said that miracles happen out of the church. Miracles happens in people's houses. If persecution happens, the place that cannot be touch is God's movement in house.
For those who is struggling, be bless because comfort is killer.

Be Careful and Check your lifestyle

5. Food

Fact: not carcass eater
Has a pouch in the stomach to store food
Separate between things inedible with the edible

Pastor Jonathan is a mighty man of God. He knows a lot of things and He's gifted in playing all kinds of musical instrument. Do you know what is his IQ? it's only 96. So what makes him the way he is? He read the bible. The bible is your source of knowledge

From 33,000 God's promises in the bible, How many has been fulfilled in your life?

Pay attention to our spiritual food.


The lifespan of eagle is 60-120 years. After 60 years of living, the eagle will soar up high to a place where no human being can reach. Up there the eagle will stay for a full year and let all its feathers to shed. The eagle patiently wait for its feathers to grow back and just let the sun to nurture it back to its magnificent grace. After a year of waiting, the eagle will continue to live another 60 years.

Another point we can learn from eagle is that it is a very loyal bird. It will not mate with other eagle unless its mate died. We as christian has to learn from this bird how to be loyal. When we accept Christ as our savior, we have made a lifetime contract to be faithful. The church can issue engagement contract (baptism) but it will never issue divorce contract with God. Divorce from God will never happen but we are allow to have "desert phase" but for the purpose of being a greater than before.

In every great leader, there's always a desert that needs to be overcome. David has it. Moses has it. Moses has to wait for 40 years in the desert until God use him. Leaders that do not has a "desert phase" in their life usually only last for a short time. Example of these leaders are saul and Samson. Believe that when desert come into our life, God will make us greater. Soar us higher than we ever did.

1 comment:

dung2x said...

Tenkiu Atan buat kerja kerasnya nge-post sermon... Aku yakin deh ntar skill type-writing lu makin jago... hauhuahua... word perminutes-nya naik... heuheuheue...